Monday, April 16, 2012

Yurt work

We have been hard at work on the yurt farm, this year is proving great with the weather having been in our favor so far, and we have another three eager hands out helping which makes things go a wee bit quicker, I am certainly grateful for the help and friendships!

Since we moved the small yurt we have been busy, first we completed a small green house made with some scrap wood that was given to us and some old windows, we moved some more boxes and crates from Tylers work, moved the small aluminum shed from the large yurt along side the new greenhouse, started on the new yurt floor and sauna floor, we also cleaned up a lot of stuff from the winter, garbage, glass, thing that didnt get properly disposed of before the snow it because of the rush on my yurt floor and leaking issues. I was very happy about all of this, but best of all I build a prototype rocket stove, and it worked!! needless to say I am quite pleased with myself, next will be a thermal mass!

We have a workday planned all day Wednesday so we should get quite a bit accomplished then!


Monday, April 2, 2012

Back to Business

All the snow has melted, sunny days are with us, let the Yurting begin!!

Danielle and I moved the small 12' Yurt over to the pit where we will be concentrating most of our efforts this year, hopefully between now and th

e fall I will be buying property of my own to move our operations to, this will be a glorious task!

Until then we shall continue to work on the pit, building raised boxes, cleaning up and generally getting things in order for the new season, I am also moving my Yurt to a new location this year, that is going to prove to be quite the task as well!

Until then enjoy the photos!